EMERGE is a commitment of the BUV to resource an intentional leadership development pathway for emerging leaders, in partnership with local churches or agencies.
‘EMERGING’ is inclusive of, but not exclusive to, the younger demographic.
In 2023 there will be three tracks. Each track aims to assist participants to take the next step in their leadership development. A summary of the tracks is outlined below, and further details are on subsequent links:
- Track 1 – a year-long APPRENTICESHIP PATHWAY for people 18-35 who are actively serving in church or community. This pathway is also accredited by Whitley College for two Leadership Elective Units in a Diploma Course.
- Track 2 – NEXT STEPS, is for any leader or aspiring leader, whatever age, to take a further step in leadership and it is also a wonderful opportunity for ministry leadership teams to access training and equipping and reflect on it together
Tracks 1 and 2 will be facilitated by Bill Brown and Kimberly Smith, along with other members of the BUV Support Hub and with occasional input from a range of other experienced missional leaders.
Bill is a BUV Pastoral Coach working primarily with emerging leaders and Senior Pastors of the larger churches. Prior to this, he had been both a Youth Pastor for 10 years and the Senior Pastor for 33 years with Syndal Baptist. Kimberly is the BUV Generations and Emerging Leaders Pastor. Prior to this, she was Associate Pastor (Generations and Church Life) with Werribee Baptist, a role she enjoyed and flourished in for over 14 years. Kimberly and Bill each have a teaching background.
For more information, email bill.brown@buv.com.au
An intentional missional leadership development pathway for emerging leaders, in partnership with local churches or agencies.
Who is an emerging leader?
This track is for those aged between 18 and 35, actively leading/serving in a church or community, affirmed by others to have leadership potential and/or is keen to develop their leadership capacity.
Structure (around 4 C’s – Context, Community, Curriculum, and Coach)
Participants commit to …
- A 1-year pathway from February to December.
- An initial non-residential Community retreat (Feb) and monthly Community gatherings for input, encouragement, accountability, and peer mentoring. At the monthly gatherings, there is also interaction with a range of experienced leaders.
- A Curriculum that includes modules and reading about leading self, leading others, leading groups/teams/organisations/initiatives, and leading and living missionally.
- Having a Context where they are actively serving in a leadership role in church or community.
- Meeting monthly with a leadership Companion/Coach.
- $330 +booking fee paid by the participant and/or sponsoring church/organisation.
- Purchase of books and resources
- Retreat – 4pm February 18 – 3 pm February 19
- Gatherings – 9.30 am -3.00 pm March 25, April 22, May 27, June 24, July 22, August 19, September 23, October 21 (Global Leadership Summit), November 18, and December 16
Application Process
Click here to download application form.
Applications to be submitted to Bill Brown by January 31, 2024
Applicants will be interviewed, and references sought from recommending pastors/leaders
Resource/training experiences for leaders, specifically aimed at …
- Partnering with churches, & clusters of churches, to value and prioritise leadership development.
- Resourcing leaders in local churches to take a next step in the development of their character and leadership skills.
Leaders/aspiring leaders participate in leadership development evenings via Zoom from 7.30-9.15 pm. This is a wonderful opportunity for teams of leaders to come together and then reflect together on the theme of the evening.
- $0 but an investment on each occasion of one and three-quarters of an hour from 7.30-9.15 pm
Dates and Themes for 2024 –
Feb 27 Understanding Yourself and Relating to Others
April 23 Growing as an Authentic Leader
June 11 Building Great Teams and Great Team Cultures
August 13 Developing Other Leaders
October 22 Being and Sharing Good News.
Register at https://events.humanitix.com/emerge-next-steps-in-leadership-2024
Note: Bill and Kim are also available to lead these workshops for local churches as well.
Developing Leaders who Develop Leaders
… a joint initiative, in partnership with Partners in Ministry (PIM) especially for Associate Pastors.
One year of excellent leadership training, in community, to permanently impact a pastor’s ministry trajectory by –
- Working with a group of 8-10 other Baptist pastors to facilitate growth as healthy pastors leading healthy churches and developing healthy leaders who develop healthy leaders.
- Nurturing and growing leadership skills, abilities, and gifts for decades of fruitful ministry.
- Encouraging self-care to impact longevity in vocation pastoral leadership.
- Leading and developing others as they walk closer with Jesus.
The Pathway and Components for the Year
- Preparation for retreat – Completion of 360 Leadership Practices Inventory by people who work with you or who are part of your network.
- Overnight Retreat – 4pm February 27 – 3 pm February 28 with a focus on leadership formation, developing as an authentic leader, and receiving individual 360-degree feedback.
- Five Bimonthly Gatherings of the Communityfrom 9.00 am -4.00 pm April 3, June 5, August 14, October 2, and November 13 with key input on different aspects of leadership, developing leaders, living missionally, curating a discipleship culture, as well as time for group conversation and peer mentoring on an individual’s contextual leadership challenges.
- Six Individual one-on-one supervision sessions with a trained supervisor from Partners in Ministry or BUV to review, contextualise, troubleshoot, and implement.
Note: Participation in a Community of Practice contributes well to fulfilling the following aspects of the Accreditation requirements – 10 hours per year of personal support and accountability, 10 hours per year of collegial support and accountability, 40 hours per year of pastoral development, and 5 sessions of professional pastoral supervision.
The Facilitators – Bill Brown and Kimberly Smith from BUV and John Jeffries from PIM with other input from experienced leaders from within BUV and the Partners in Ministry team of coaches with experience and expertise in a wide variety of ministry contexts – see website partnersinministry.com
The Outcome
A growing number of pastors –
- whose individual leadership has been strengthened with character development, tools and skills which will serve them well for decades of future ministry.
- who have been enabled to effectively develop leaders who develop leaders.
- having received individual 360-degree feedback to identify strengths and ‘blind-spots’ and having received tools that will enable them to respond to their ‘blind-spots’ and facilitate growth where needed.
- less likely to be impacted by stress and burnout and better equipped for greater longevity in ministry.
- who have bonded with others who will be able to provide mutual support in their future ministry.
- well placed to bring strong impact to their local church, local community, and the global community.
The Cost
One-year full program – $1,800 invoiced quarterly by PIM i.e., $450/quarter
Contact Bill Brown at bill.brown@buv.com.au or 0407821784 if you are interested