16th June 2021
Best Practice Tips for COVIDSafe Churches and Ministries
Everyone has a role to play keeping each other safe. Detailed below are recommendations from the BUV for COVIDSafe churches and ministries (subject to current restrictions). If in doubt, please ring the Victorian Coronavirus Hotline 1800 675 398 and seek advice specific to your circumstances.
- Please adhere to all Government regulations for Places of Worship
- Refer to these guidelines for Religion and ceremonies: COVIDSafe religion and ceremonies guidance and Industry Restart Guidelines (updated May 2021)
- Review and update your COVIDSafe plan regularly, especially when restrictions or public health advice changes. Churches with multiple campuses must complete a COVIDSafe Plan for each location
- Nominate a COVIDsafe responsible person for each gathering
- From 28 May, venues and businesses must use the Victorian Government QR Code Service through the Service Victoria app for customer check-in. Visitors should use their own device to self-check-in if they can. But if they can’t, you can check visitors in without using the app by using the Kiosk check-in service.
- Encourage staff to learn more about infection control – Free, short, accredited training is available to help staff identify and manage the ongoing risk of coronavirus (COVID-19) infections in the workplace
- Cleaning, density quotient, signage, face masks and record keeping requirements continue to apply
- More COVIDSafe resources here
Face masks:
- adhere to current face masks requirements
- If the ceremony can be held outdoors, it should. Being outdoor reduces the risk of spreading the virus significantly
- If held indoor, take reasonable steps to ensure indoor space is well-ventilated
- Adhere to density quotient and current restrictions
- Ensure water is chlorinated or changed between each baptism
- We recommend baptism by a member of the same household
- Masks are dangerous when wet – participants do not need to wear mask when in water
Communion/ Food and Drinks
- While attending a religious gathering there are steps you need to take to keep yourself and others safe including not sharing food, drink or other items
- Food or drink can be served as part of a religious gathering or after a religious gathering. It is recommended that single use items are used to serve food or drink. It is recommended that one person serves or distributes food or drinks. For example, one person uses the urn for hot water for tea.
- We encourage churches to engage COVIDSafe caterers for events
- Encourage members to BYO communion
- Consider serving prefilled communion cups or setup serving stations with servers handing out communion (wearing gloves and using tongs). Make sure servers maintain a distance of 1.5m from each other
- Encourage online giving or direct bank transfer
- Avoid passing the offering bags/buckets. Position buckets in convenient places, so people can leave their offerings without touching the bags/buckets
- Provide offering volunteers (counting and recording) with hand sanitizer and gloves (be conscious that some people are allergic to latex). Make sure counters maintain a distance of 1.5m from each other
Singing can occur as part of a religious ceremony, wedding or funeral. Group singing is safest when the following measures are applied:
- Singing outside or in a well-ventilated room (with windows open)
- Singing softly
- Short performances (of less than an hour)
- Face masks must be worn when singing indoors
- Fans, free standing or ceiling, are not recommended for use in enclosed indoor spaces for singing
- You are also strongly encouraged to maintain physical distancing of at least two metres distance from other people while singing
- If you cannot perform your role whilst wearing a mask, you may remove it to perform. This applies to singers or musicians of oral instruments (brass instruments for example). For those who can wear a mask during their performance, they must wear a mask.
- Performers are recommended to be 5 metres or more from the audience and 2 metres from each other. Physical distancing is particularly encouraged for these performers who cannot wear a mask.
- These measures are recommended by the Victorian Government to help slow the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19).
Playgroups and Children Ministries:
- Adhere to density quotient and current restrictions
- Practice good hygiene, frequently clean high touch areas
- Download Getting back to playgroup guide
Facilities for Hire:
- Facilities such as church hall can be used for other activities subject to density quotient and current restrictions
- Commercial hirers (eg sports group) must have a COVIDSafe Plan that is specific to their industry
- Private hirers (eg weddings) must follow the Church’s COVIDSafe Plan (cleaning, contact tracing, CovidSafe responsible person on site during the event etc)