2nd October 2024

PROGRESSIVE PROPERTY REDEVELOPMENT AT CANTERBURY BAPTIST Provides Church with Debt Free Modern Facilities and Community Hub

At Canterbury Baptist Church (CBC), we are on quite a journey of change in relation to our church property and we wanted to share our past, present and our exciting future plans with you. In 2015, Canterbury Baptist Church (CBC) in Melbourne’s inner east embarked on a property journey.  The 10-year journey began as a need to update our church building facilities, but over time, has become a complete redevelopment of our site.  The redevelopment includes renewed church facilities, underground carparking and over 30 apartments. Construction will commence in early 2025 and Baptist Church members in Victoria have the opportunity to purchase a home within the development before the public sales campaign commences in a few weeks time.


In 1891, the CBC established a place of worship at 1A Balwyn Road and 2 Boronia Street, Canterbury. By 1933, the church had established a Sunday school on Boronia Street and, by 1962, had replaced the original church building at 1A Balwyn Road with a modern, now heritage-listed, church

Between these two buildings, and connected to the church, was a hall and kitchen used for church and community purposes. In 1947, the Sunday school building was converted into a kindergarten, with part of this building continuing to provide spaces for church meetings and various community activities.

Image from Balwyn Road of the newly completed 1962 church; with tennis courts in lower-left foreground

The church acquired land at 171A Canterbury Road in 1911, constructed tennis courts, and established a church tennis club in 1940. The church has retained and operated the tennis courts for its own and community use ever since.

In 1952, the church acquired a former house (also a former police station) at 171 Canterbury Road, initially for use as a boarding house. It was later used as a community space, and in recent times, as church administration offices.


CBC is a vibrant community that worships and serves together. We have a vision to represent Jesus to the people around us and represent our community back to God. We believe that, as we live the life of Jesus among the people around us, there is grace and goodness from God for all. As we bring ourselves and our world to God through prayer and worship, we can see a little bit of heaven come to earth. We enjoy a multitude of activities and aim to equip and encourage attendees to minister in diverse ways in our local community and more broadly.

The Path to Re-Development

In 2015, CBC was provided with a BUV monetary grant to assess possible options for improving the amenity and utilisation of our well-located site on the corner of Canterbury and Balwyn Road. To our surprise, the consultants, Novosocial, recommended a whole-of-site re-development. The initial design concept was based on new and refurbished church facilities, either apartments or townhouses, underground car-parking for residents and the church, a childcare centre, and some shared facilities. Over several years, the scope of the proposal was adjusted based on a number of factors, including flexible spaces for the long-term, financial robustness, car parking and integration with neighbourhood character.

It was important to us that the redevelopment focussed on upgrading our current amenities and providing long-term, flexible opportunities for community engagement.

The future

CBC’s exciting re-development retains and enhances the elegant mid-century worship hall facing Balwyn Road but replaces other ageing facilities with modern and accessible multipurpose spaces in an attractive community hub. The re-development focuses on a prominent central courtyard with direct access from the church facilities and a new residential community.

In collaboration with development partner MAB, CBC is preparing to release a range of homes (named Altamira) for sale as part of rejuvenating the site.

Designed by award-winning architecture practice Jackson Clements Burrows (JCBA), the design aims to be an exemplary piece of contemporary architecture, placing the church at the centre of the re-development and providing new opportunities for the church to engage with the surrounding community.

Image from Boronia Street; artists impression of the 2025-26 re-development, with 1933 Sunday School features retained.

Altamira, featuring 32 two- and three-bedroom apartments, along with one three-bedroom townhouse, is defined by thoughtful design, modern materials and considered interiors, that respect the environment and the heritage of the Church Site. Sustainability has been a key driver throughout the design, with the project incorporating a range of environmental initiatives achieving a 7.9 star rating. State-of-the-art electric plant and equipment (no gas) will deliver excellent thermal comfort within the new development and reduce water and energy consumption.

Baptists in Victoria have the opportunity to purchase within the project before the public sales release. Should you be interested, please contact MAB Sales Director, Robert Rakusic, on rrakusic@mab.com.au or phone 0466 006 112.

Challenges along the journey

Our journey to re-development has been protracted and has included significant challenges.
The crucial ingredients to surviving and eventually proceeding with such a significant church project included selecting and maintaining solid relationships with a multitude of stakeholders but especially our Property Advisors – Fontic, Legal Advisors – Moores, Tax and Commercial Advisors – Saward Dawson and crucially, our development partner – MAB Corporation and their architects JCBA. There were times when our path had all-but disappeared, but with collective determination and some divine intervention, the various tests, obstacles and challenges to date have been overcome.

From the outset, responsible stewardship was central to the journey. Extensive due diligence by all stakeholders ensured that a fair deal was eventually reached with MAB and suitable economic returns for the church were achieved while carefully managing the risks. The development agreement has served us well; despite construction costs soaring since signing the agreement in 2021, the agreed risk allocations have protected church interests, while a profit-sharing mechanism and open-book financials continue to ensure fairness and transparency. Importantly, the agreement leaves the church debt-free.

Our most recent major hurdle was overcome in 2023 with a favourable Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) hearing, resulting in only minor changes to the design. In early 2025, we will progress to the construction phase, and eighteen months later, our congregation  will return home to the third property iteration in the life of the church.

Re-development render from Canterbury and Balwyn Road corner.


Adjustments for the Congregation

During the demolition and building process, the church family will gather elsewhere for church services and weekly activities. Being part of a wider Baptist community has provided a wonderful opportunity to connect with and meet together for corporate worship at nearby Strathcona Baptist Girls Grammar.

The Church office relocated some time ago to the Waterman co-working facilities in Camberwell Junction to increase its exposure to the local community. This arrangement will likely continue post-redevelopment.

Although this project has and will mean adjustments for our congregation members and staff, God has this project in His hands and has provided favour and opportunity for our church community. We praise Him for this project, which will provide new and updated church facilities, car parking, family homes, a community hub, and connected space, all debt-free.

Anyone planning to undertake a church property redevelopment and wishing to discuss the journey in more detail should contact Peter Geddes at peter@goldfern.com.au.  

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