9th December 2021
Transformed: Chin Christian Youth Combined Service
Lutuv Baptist Church held a combined youth service with 24 other Chin churches around Victoria with around 400 attendees!
The night started with a fun choreographed dance to a pop song that got the whole place all warmed up for a great night of praise and worship, leaning in and fellowship with one another. There were also a variety of musical performances from some of the attending youth groups.
The theme of the night was ‘Transformed’ and the night’s keynote speaker, Rev Andy Mitchell, challenged the young people to see their unique and valuable gifts and contributions as strengths not just to the Chin church but to the wider church in general.
Rev Andy encouraged them “to teach the rest of the things that you know simply by living the life that you lived.”
The Impromptu session led by Zung Laithang was a particular highlight as he challenged his fellow young people to look beyond the politics and bureaucracies of the church and the world in general. Instead, he encouraged the young people to look for opportunities of unity and opportunities to stand up against injustices in both a small scale and a big scale.
“What Christ has really taught us is to love one another [and] to be kind to one another… to focus on unity and harmony,” said Zung.
This sentiment carried on throughout the rest of the evening as the young people continued to celebrate their culture and their faith in Christ in a wonderful and joyous face-to-face multilingual service.