We provide training and coaching for individuals who may be considering church planting, or for churches who may be considering multiplying.
One of the major strategic focus areas for the BUV is multiplication through church planting – which of course, can take many forms – from traditional Church plants, campus plants, missional initiatives, micro churches and even placemaking. The Mission Catalyst Team provides assessment, training and coaching for emerging missional leaders and those who are interested in church planting or multiplying.
We work in partnership with City to City Australia to assess and train potential Church Planter Candidates and provide one-on-one Coaching as a Church Planter is deployed from an existing Victorian Baptist Church.
Campus Church Plant
A Campus Church is a congregational Church Plant established under the governance of an existing Church that may be geographically placed elsewhere or perhaps, even meeting in the same location of the existing Church often in the case of establishing a LOTE (Languages Other than English) Church within the same facility.
For more info: Brett Mitchell, Church Planting Consultant
Micro Church Network

The Micro Church Network seeks to develop a relational network of like-minded leaders and communities across the state of Victoria who are pioneering, establishing, leading, or nurturing different types of churches, faith, or missional communities who we call “micro churches”.
A Micro Church is defined as an intentionally simple, streamlined approach to church that’s often small, volunteer led and informal in style. They meet regularly for the purpose of worship (up), building and growing people (in) and reaching people who do not know Jesus (out). Additionally, they have a willingness to multiply leaders and communities.
For more info:
Andrew Hill, Micro Church Consultant:
Mission Grants
Seeding money for grants administered by the BUV Mission Grants Committee for Church planting are available to establish new communities of faith along with various Community Engagement Grants processed through Baptcare. For more information and to apply – click here
Intercultural & Global Mission

Baptist Mission Australia is the international intercultural sending agency of Australian Baptist churches and facilitates the service of Australian Baptists in Christ’s global mission.
Baptist Mission Australia:
- Works with leaders to develop mission strategies locally and globally. Provides resources to enable people to grow in their understanding of global mission
- Creates spaces for people to explore their calling
- Provides opportunities to serve
- Equips, trains and supports intercultural workers
For more info: Geoff Maddock, BMA State Leader, Vic-Tas |