We work with churches to assist them to be a blessing in their neighbourhoods and see their community flourish.
Our Mission Catalyst team can assist in undertaking community assessments and neighbourhood portraits to help churches understand their context, demographics, and opportunities. Access to Community Engagement Grants can be provided through partnering with Baptcare. In addition, the team trains and deploys place-makers who are ordinary Christians that have a desire to see their neighbourhoods flourish with an ultimate goal of generating a community of faith. The Mission Catalyst team, in collaboration with Baptist World Aid, develop and provide resources to assist with advocating for justice.
Grassroots Placemakers
Grassroots Placemakers or GRP for short, activates people and places to cultivate flourishing communities. We believe every follower of Jesus is placed where God would have them – in neighbourhoods, workplaces, sporting and interest groups, schools and universities – to show the love of Jesus in intentional ways.
Our placemakers are people who live in and engage with a local community and its members, bringing them together to dream of a unique shared vision and then equipping and empowering them to achieve this vision.
Sometimes we also work alongside property developers, to place Jesus followers in new or growing communities, with the combined aspiration of creating a flourishing environment, as well as forming faith communities.
Placemaking can be as simple as sharing a plate of biscuits or meals with neighbours, starting playgroups or sporting groups, or it can also mean running a full social enterprise such as café, or market garden. The creativity of God, place and people is endless.
Enquire today: Danny Ang, Head of Grassroots Placemakers Danny.ang@buv.com.au
Justice & Advocacy
We seek to mobilise Baptist Churches to advocate for justice issues, through providing resources and bringing awareness to campaigns in partnership with various Baptist agencies and organisations. Get involved in BUV’s Justice and Advocacy Week – https://www.buv.com.au/justiceadvocacyweek/
Baptcare is a faith-based not-for-profit organisation that provides residential and community care for older people, support to children, families, and people living with a disability, financially disadvantaged people and people seeking asylum. Learn More
Baptist World Aid Australia is a Christian aid and development organisation working with 38 local Christian partner organisations implementing 73 projects in 18 countries.
Baptist World Aid helps Australians tackle the injustice of global poverty and act together in ending it. They partner with Christians and churches in Australia, particularly those from the Baptist movement, in faithful prayer, ethical consumption, generous giving, and courageous advocacy.
Baptist World Aid offers a national advocacy and discipleship network called Catalyst. Catalyst helps churches and individuals learn about injustice and take action alongside other Christians.
For more info: Paul Manning, Church Relationship Manager Vic-Tas paul.manning@baptistworldaid.org.au https://baptistworldaid.org.au/