With the ease of restrictions in Victoria, celebrations were at hand with the induction of new senior pastors Rob Tanner from New Life Baptist Church, Ross Barnes from Koondrook/Barham Baptist Church and Paul Pallot at Warrnambool Baptist Church. Check them out below!

This was a very exciting day in the life of New Life Baptist Church where Rob and Sue Tanner were officially welcomed and Rob was Inducted as the new Senior Pastor. It was great sharing in the service with the Moderator Phil Trebilcock. It was a great day of celebration and joy held at a Reception centre in Echuca. It’s a day of new beginnings.
It was a joy to participate in the Induction Service of Ross Barnes who commenced a new season of ministry with his wife Susan at Koondrook/Barham Baptist Church yesterday. This is an exciting new season building on the great work of the previous Pastor Bernard Blummel. Paul Downie who is doing an Interim Ministry at Kerang preached at this service and the service was well attended by people from other churches and friends.
An exciting day at Warrnambool Baptist Church with the Induction of Rev Paul Pallot. It was a joy to officially induct Paul after 12 months of him being their during COVID lockdowns and restrictions. Rev Nicholas Tuohy spoke, Senior Pastor at Kew Baptist, where Paul had been in ministry prior to taking up his position at Warrnambool. A group of local Pastors were able to attend, along with the Moderator Geoff Emonson. A day long awaited for became a blessed reality.