Partner with us, as we advance God’s Kingdom across Victoria together

At the BUV, our desire is to see our churches filled with Christ-like followers of Jesus, growing in their discipleship, joining with God’s redemptive work in the world and having an impact through their community.  

The BUV Support Hub serves and supports local churches to flourish by empowering and equipping through pastoral support, church health services, mission training and equipping, finance and administration services and communications support. These services are funded by a membership fee from all the BUV churches. 

As Baptists, mission has and always will be, at our core. The BUV Support Hub is continually working on new and innovative ways to see some sort of expression of church in every corner of Victoria. We actively look for opportunities to plant new churches or communities of faith in sprawling areas of our state. Most land developers no longer allow churches to be built in their developments, so in these areas, we must think in new and innovative ways. We work alongside Grassroots Placemakers (GRP), a department of the BUV, to send integrated teams of church planters and community placemakers into new housing developments with the initial intention of developing community, and with the end goal of developing faith communities in their local neighbourhoods.  

By giving a gift in your will, or joining with us in our Church Planting programme, you will be partnering with the us in advancing God’s kingdom throughout the state of Victoria and ensuring we continue, as Baptists have always, to be together on mission. 

Our Emergency Relief fund collects money for times when a crisis arises an area within our BUV churches. At times we will promote appeals for specific issues.  

Thankyou for considering a gift to one of these areas – we so greatly appreciate your support.  

“As Baptists in Victoria, we are Together on Mission with a desire to see an expression of church in every corner of Victoria. We all have the opportunity to play a part in achieving this by partnering with those who are working on new initiatives and communities of faith across our State. You can do this by engaging with our Church Planting Partnership programme, by supporting those affected by disasters,  or by considering a gift in your will.” –Rev Daniel Bullock

Click here for a short video message from Rev Daniel Bullock 

Further Information on Partnership Opportunities

Direct Debit

If you would like to donate directly, please refer to the details below or contact via email ( or on (03) 9880 6100.

Online bank transfer can be made to the following account:
Name: Baptist Union of Victoria
BSB: 704-922
ACC No: 100008417 – Please clearly designate which initiative you are giving to e.g. ‘Church Planting’

Direct deposit at a bank can be made at the nearest Westpac branch to the same account.

* Tax Deductible Receipts for Cheques or direct deposits 
Donations collected through church offering buckets will not be tax deductible.
Individual donations made directly to the BUV account via direct debit and cheque will be tax deductible – for these donations, please contact with your remittance advice (including account details, date and amount of donation), full name, mobile, address and email address.

Grow Give Go*

Now referred to as Church Planting*, if you are currently collecting offerings for this initiative, please send cheques or Direct Debit as per above.

Giveway portal

To access the Giveway portal of all our partnership opportunities, please visit this link.

Get in touch

Please contact Andrew Naylor, BUV Partnership Development Pastor at to find out more.