Finance & Administration Resources

The goal of the Finance & Administration team is to provide effective risk and financial management, high quality information to BUV leaders and reduce the compliance and administration burden on churches.


A Constitution is the legal framework around which a church operates. Constitutions should reviewed and be kept up to date every few years.

The BUV has sample constitutions available, and a Constitution Review Committee that can read your draft revisions and give you guidance.

If you have a question regarding your church constitution or the BUV constitution, please contact the Administration Dept on 9880 6111.


BUV Constitution:
Constitution of the Baptist Union of Victoria (as approved by Assembly 21 October 2022)
Plain English summary of the Act and Schedule B as at 21 October, 2022
Plain English Summary of Schedule B to the Baptist Union Incorporation Act 1930 (as amended 21 October 2022)
Schedule B [as set out in the Act and amended in 1968 1975 1984 1994 and 2022]
Constitution Policy as adopted by Assembly 21 October 2022
Church Constitutions:
BUV Sample Constitution – 26 October 2022
Covenantal Church Membership:
Introducing Covenantal Membership



New rules for fixed term contracts

As part of the Australian Government’s Secure Jobs, Better Pay changes, rules about using fixed term contracts have changed from 06 December 2023.

The BUV sought legal advice from Colin Biggers & Paisley on how the new legislations will affect the BUV and our churches. Summary of their advice can be accessed through this link.  Please do not hesitate to contact if you have any clarifications. 


If your church is looking to advertise for the following positions, but aren’t sure what a position description for the roles should entail, samples are available as a starting point for you.

H.R. Documents

BUV Whistleblower Policy Template (46.8 kB)

[buttonhref=””]Sample Position Desciption – Youth Leader (89.6 kB)[/button]
Sample Position Description – Church Administrator – Bookkeeper (27.1 kB)

Sample Position Description – Church Administrator No 1 (98.2 kB)

Sample Position Description – Church Administrator No 2 (43.0 kB)

Sample Position Description – Church Administrator No 3 (34.3 kB)

Sample Position Description – Secretary – Treasurer (85.5 kB)

Incorporation & Property Ownership

Only a legal entity can own property i.e. an individual, named individuals, or an incorporated “company”. The problem for most churches is that they are none of these!


The solution is to set up a “trust” arrangement whereby a legal entity owns the property & agrees to hold it for the church.


Historically, churches would rely on a group of people to act as trustees, i.e. “Tom & Sam & John own this property in trust for xyz church.”


In 1930, the Baptist Union of Victoria was incorporated by an Act of Parliament. This means it was now a legal entity that could own property and hold property in trust for the churches. Over time, churches transferred their property from to the BUV to be held in trust for them, and Trust Deeds were drawn up.

The advantages of the BUV holding the property in trust as opposed to individuals is:

  • BUV would outlast named trustees (who die, move away, lose paperwork)
  • BUV would outlast specific churches
  • BUV had stated purpose
  • BUV had recognition in state law
  • Schedule B of the Act of Incorporation specifically dictated the Rules for disposal and acquisition of property, and the Rules for use of assets.
Schedule B of the Act of Incorporation

Schedule B restrictions on property are designed to ensure that the fruit of the labours of past generations is protected from misuse by the current generation in order to ensure provision of property for future generations. In short, the intention is to hold these assets in perpetuity.

Currently only three of the BUV churches own property directly or have it held by trustees other than the BUV. Even those churches that have incorporated in their own right still have property held under Schedule B trust.

A trustee’s primary responsibility is to uphold the intent of the trust – the BUV Secretary & Executive Council are responsible to ensure trust requirements (as defined in Schedule B) are upheld.

For this reason, churches dealing in property matters often have to involve the BUV.


What can and can’t churches do with their property?

What does this mean for the church? How are they obligated or restricted when it comes to use of their property?


A church can / must:
  • Use the property
  • Maintain it
  • Build / alter property
  • Lease the property
  • Use the income
  • Use it as security
  • Create easements
  • Sell at market value
  • Give it to the Union


A church can not:
  • Act without permission of a Special Church Meeting
  • Stop the Union taking control in certain circumstances
  • Sell below market value
  • Use the money from sale (or mortgage) for non-property issues
When does Schedule B apply?

All property purchased by a church in the name of BUV is immediately subject to Schedule B unless written agreement is reached in advance of the purchase.

When does Schedule B end?

All property remains subject to Schedule B until sold, at which point the funds from the sale are held in trust by the BUV. The church can use the interest generated by the funds for whatever purposes they deem appropriate, but the principal amount remains subject to Schedule B forever. If the church officially closes, the BUV Advancement Fund becomes the owner of the property or the proceeds of a property.

Incorporation and Properties Documents

Guide for churches purchasing property (207.7 kB)
Guide for churches selling property (193.4 kB)
Guide to wording a resolution (29.4 kB)
BUV Incorporation Act 1930 – please note that this document contains the original version of Schedule B – refer to the Plain English version for current wording (48.1 kB)
Amendments to Sch B – Minutes of Assembly March 1994 (312.5 kB)
Schedule B as set out in the Act and amended in 1968, 1975, 1984, 1994
Incorporation of Victorian Baptist Churches (436.0 kB)
Guide for churches holding a Special Church Meeting (110.9 kB)
Guide for churches leasing out Property(88.0 kB)
Guide for churches using property as security for a loan (22.9 kB)
Guide to Changing your Church Name (29.2 kB)
Fact sheet – Churches and Deductible Giving (104.1 kB)

Long service leave is a longstanding entitlement for Australian employees. It is available to an employee as a reward for service to their employer. The Victorian Long Service Leave Act 2018 sets out arrangements for long service leave in Victoria. Victorian Baptist Churches must provide long service leave benefits to their employees in accordance with the Victorian Long Service Leave Act.

The BUV Long Service leave Savings Scheme is a mechanism to assist Victorian Baptist Churches in meeting the financial obligations of Long Service Leave for Pastors and to provide opportunity for Pastors to accumulate continued service across more than one Church.

For more details, download the information below or contact our office on 03 9880 6177.

Long Service Leave

MLSL Declaration 2020 Form
MLSL Membership Application Form
Long Service Act 2018
Long Service Bill 2017
LSL Guide
BUV LSL Savings Scheme Rules
LSL Record Template
LSL Payout Tax Calculation
Request for BUV LSL Scheme Payment

The Ministry Contribution Fee goes towards the BUV operating budget to help cover services and resources such as the Director of Ministries, your Regional Pastor, and the other BUV departments (Communications, Church Health and Capacity Building, Pastoral Leadership, Support and Development, Multicultural, Mission and Ministry) as well as the other committees and events that form part of our Union life. The ministry contribution fee does not cover the administration costs of the BUV.

From 2009, Ministry Contribution from churches to contribute towards the work of the BUV will be based upon income instead of membership. This change received the unanimous support of church delegates at the October Assembly.

Please contact the Finance Team for full details of the changes. 

2022 BUV Ministry Contribution
2021 BUV Ministry Contribution

National Redress Scheme

At the Delegates’ Dinner on October 19, 2018 it was agreed that the Baptist Union of Victoria, together with participating churches, faith communities, missional communities and defunct churches would join the National Redress Scheme (the Scheme) as a `participating group’, with the BUV being the `representative’ of the group. The Scheme is for people who have experienced child sexual abuse in institutions, including churches.

A paper detailing the operation of the BUV Group within the Scheme was sent to churches and the POLICY related to that can be accessed below.

National Redress Scheme Policy

Under the Scheme’s legislation, each member of a participating group must declare its agreement to participate in the group and with the group’s nominated representative. (Email to The Declaration must be signed by a person authorized to do so on behalf of the local church, with the approval of the appropriate governance process in your church (e.g. Members’ Meeting or Church Council resolution).

National Redress Declaration and Information

Organisations have until June 30, 2020 to opt into the Scheme. After that date, no further organisations will be accepted into the Scheme. The Redress Scheme operator has advised that the process of joining and declaration made by the Minister may take up to 4-6weeks, so churches will need to decide prior to March/April 2020 in order to be declared on time by June 2020. Those who join the group after it is established will have to wait 12 months after joining to access the Redress Support Fund.

Union Council strongly encourages all BUV churches to join the Scheme because:

  • The Scheme accords with Biblical values of mercy and justice in that it provides a compassionate and fair process for people who have been abused to seek redress. It is less traumatic, complex and costly for all concerned than the alternative of engaging in the often adversarial legal system.
  • Participation in the Scheme indicates a public willingness to take accounts of abuse seriously and to respond in love to those who have been abused.
  • The Scheme provides for restitution and apology, which Christians understand to be important in responding to our wrongdoing.
  • The payment of redress represents a willingness to take moral responsibility for abuse within our churches.
  • The Scheme provides objective and independent assessment of abuse and enable a consistent response, removing the need for negotiation on a case-by-case basis.

The Declaration includes an expression of the church’s willingness for a Direct Personal Response (apology) to be presented to those who are offered redress. Trained staff within the BUV Office will take responsibility for this, in negotiation with the Scheme and consultation with the church.

The Declaration also includes a commitment by the church to pay any Redress debt it becomes liable for, with support from the BUV Redress Support Fund, as set out in the policy referred to above. As part of opting in to the BUV Group, churches make an annual contribution to this Fund. The contribution is $400 + 0.01% of the church’s insured asset value.

If your church has yet to join the Redress Scheme and wish to do so, please complete the Declaration below and return it to the BUV Office by March/April 2020.

National Redress Declaration and Information

Please contact for any questions about the Scheme.

We have put together some documents to assist Treasurers. Using the “Search” box is also a handy way to find other documents on the BUV website. Please please email to suggest or provide more documents.

BUV Church Finance and Administration Information
Accounting 101
Understanding and Accounting for Exempt Benefits
Chart of Accounts example
Depreciation Template
Leave Calculation Template
Payroll example
Staff Employment Form
ATO Super Choice Form
ATO Tax File Declaration


Archiving Guidelines for local churches: recommendations for document retention
  • Minutes of church member’s, Deacons, Leadership Team and other key meetings
  • Church organisations e.g. Sunday school, womens’ groups, clubs etc
  • Annual reports (plus annual reports of other bodies if not included in the church annual report )
  • Annual audited Financial Statements (If Audited Financial Statements are available then there is no need for supporting documents as the auditor has already seen them and accepted them as being reflected correctly in the report).
  • Programmes of Special Events e.g. anniversaries, inductions memorial services.
  • Files of weekly bulletins or similar publications
  • Histories of the church or of church bodies such as the tennis club
  • Significant correspondence e.g. the calling of a minister, letting of a building contract etc
  • Membership & Baptismal Rolls
  • Creche & Sunday School Rolls, club membership etc.
  • Plaques & Honour Boards (or photographs if originals are too bulky)
  • Plans & architectural drawings of church buildings
  • Photographs of special occasions & groups, such as deacons or elders (note: please include names)
  • Marriage Registers

Further information can be obtained by contacting:

For more general information on Baptist History, please see the Victorian Baptist Historical Society.

Service Providers

Blind Concepts Australia Pty Ltd would be pleased to offer the Baptist Church’s of Victoria special prices and services on all blinds and awning requirements they may require.

A minimum of 10% discount on new blinds and awnings is guaranteed. Additional savings would be the ’No Additional Charge’ for the removal and disposal of old blinds and awnings being replaced.

As a family business striving to provide maximum customer satisfaction, we will ensure at all times that our service benefits the Baptist Church and community.



Blind Concepts Australia Pty Ltd
53 Scoresby Road
Bayswater VIC 3153
Ph: 03 9720 1778
Fax: 03 9720 2779


MMM Australia 

MMM Australia was formed in 1975 to build and maintain facilities used in Christian service. MMM offers pro bono building services to churches and missions. To meet the requirements of National Building and Health & Safety Regulations MMM also provides a fee based commercial design and building/renovation service through MMM Build, with the aim of putting the profits back into Christian mission both at home and overseas.

We would be happy to assist you with your next church or mission building project so please do not hesitate to talk to us.

MMM Build Pty Ltd
5/621 Whitehorse Road
Mitcham Victoria 3132
Tel No: 03 9837 2700
Fax No: 03 9837 2799


Studio B Architects
23 Fenwick Street, Clifton Hill, Vic, 3068
(03) 9486 4425


Kenneth Edmonds & Associates Pty Ltd
4a Montrose St
Hawthorn East, VIC 3123, Australia
Phone: 9882 7117

Ideal Master Carpet Steam Cleaners Pty Ltd has been an owner operated business since 1981. We are fully insured, competitively priced and have a thorough knowledge of carpet care.

Ideal have worked for Vasey, RSLcare, Anglicare, Uniting Church, Retirement Services Australia and Baptist Union of Victoria.



John Clarke & Ian Smith
Ideal Master Carpet Steam Cleaners Pty Ltd
65A Through Rd
Camberwell Victoria 3124
Phone: 9889 9060
Mobile: 0416 200 157

The Frenchams Group conducts the sale or hire, installation and maintenance of interior and exterior plants and plantscaping. Frenchams provide also provide plants for short term special occasions if the need arises.

We are happy to provide advice or obligation free quotations at any time regarding the service we provide and the suitability of plants for your church.



Alison Bussell
Sales and Marketing Manager
21 Wadhurst Drive
Boronia Victoria 3155

Phone: (03) 9887 4755
Mobile: 0417 140 336

Plants & Plenty Pty Ltd is based in the Dandenongs and travel widely to give personal care to gardens. We can professionally solve all garden issues.

  • Rejuvenations
  • Irrigation systems
  • Water gardens
  • Landscaping maintenance and construction
  • Plant sourcing
  • Consultations (Know where your next Working Bee is headed!!!)

Bruce Gaulke
Mobile: 0419 137 375

When you’re in need of legal help you need someone you can trust. McCracken & McCracken Lawyers is a compassionate law firm, providing practical and cost effective legal advice.

  • For Company & Business Law
  • Copyright & Intellectual Property matters
  • Buying & Selling a business
  • Conveyancing matters
  • Family Law
  • Wills
  • Trusts
  • Compensation Claims
  • Litigation

Local Govt planning and environment
We also advise churches and other not for profit organisations in legal matters and have offices in Blackburn and the CBD for your convenience.


Mr. Stephen Morton
McCracken & McCracken Solicitors
Level 1, 60 Railway Road
Blackburn Vic 3130
Phone: 03 9894-3333

M & R Termite Solutions Pty Ltd specialise in termite management providing home or church inspections with full written reports. Free no obligation quotes and 10% discount available for members of the Baptist Union of Victoria. Treatments also available for ants, spiders, bees, wasps and general pest control. All enquiries welcome!



Michael O’Connell
M & R Termite Solutions Pty Ltd
Phone: 0413 716 233

Occupational Health & Safety regulations now require all electrical appliances be maintained to a safe standard.
Our Test and Tag procedures are designed to meet this standard. Are you compliant?
It’s NOT as expensive as you might think with the Test And Tag Team.

  • $4 to $6 per appliance
  • Or $46/hr (2 technicians=$64/hr)
  • (+ $1/Km from Geelong callout fee.)
  • To meet the Australian Standards AS/NZS3760:2003 employer’s are to provide routine inspection and testing of electrical equipment in the workplace.

James Veryzer
Mobile: 0414 846 386