Governance - Union Council
The governing council of our BUV is called BUV Union Council.
Members of Union Council are elected by the Members of Assembly of the Baptist Union, and normally serve a 3 year term.
The Union Council understands that good corporate governance is an essential precondition to the organisation’s ability to achieve its mission in the most effective and sustainable manner. Ultimate responsibility for the governance of the BUV rests with the Council.
The Council is comprised of six independent, non-executive Council members as well as the Director of Ministries, Honorary Legal Advisor and Union Secretary. The Council members have a broad range of business, institutional and governance experience. They apply judgement and accountability standards to ensure that our work results in the greatest possible impact on constituent churches that we serve.
The Council expects the organisation as a whole, every member, partner and employee, to conduct themselves with the highest ethical standards.
The Council has adopted a formal Council Charter and a set of Council Policies which detail the Council’s role, powers, duties and functions. In addition to the matters required by law, the Council is responsible for:
- Setting the strategic direction for the organisation, assessing progress towards strategic objectives and approving policies to work towards those objectives;
- Recommending the appointment of the Director of Ministries to the Assembly;
- Approving the remuneration and tracking performance of the Director of Ministries;
- Approving the annual budget;
- Considering and approving strategies and policies to ensure appropriate risk management;
- Monitoring and receiving advice on areas of operational opportunities and financial risk;
- Ensuring compliance with laws and policies; and
- Appointing sub-committees to assist in effective governance.
The Director of Ministries is responsible for operational management, with all powers, discretions and delegations authorised, from time to time, by the Council. The Council is responsible for regularly reviewing and ensuring that all necessary and appropriate delegations are in place to enable the Director of Ministries and Leadership Team to meet this responsibility.
No fees are paid for serving as a Council member.