Seven years in the making, Our Mob, God’s Story is an exclusive, award-winning art book that celebrates the impact of the Bible on Australia’s First Nations People, along with Bible Society’s 200 years in Australia.
The art book, compiled by award winning author Christobel Mattingley and Bible Society Australia’s Louise Sherman, showcases over 115 paintings by 65 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists from across Australia.
Sixty-six Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists from the city and the bush tell the story of the wonderful things God has done for their people. They paint in a dazzling variety of styles and write with uncommon wisdom and generosity. These artists share their vision of Jesus in order to bring us together as brothers and sisters. This inspiring book demonstrates what the recent census recorded: that Christian faith is more evident and alive in indigenous communities than in the dominant settler society. It is time for quiet appreciation and deep listening. Beautiful, confident and irresistible.
Our Mob, God’s Story invites you to re-discover God’s Story through the personal faith stories and artworks of Australia’s First Nations peoples. The vibrant artworks are visually captivating and spiritually moving, depicting some of the most loved stories from the Old and New Testament Bible – from creation to crucifixion.
The glossy, hardcover art book is a wonderful keep-sake and reminder of Bible Society’s bicentenary and how the life changing message of Jesus Christ continues to ignite hearts across our nation.
Bible Society hopes the art book will bring new understanding and respect for our Aboriginal sisters and brothers as we celebrate our diversity and common faith.
All artists have donated the use of their paintings so when you buy a copy of Our Mob, God’s Story 100% of all profit goes directly towards Indigenous Scripture publications, translation and ministry.
Purchase this book through the Bible Society here or at Koorong Bookstores.