5th December 2019
Hello December…
We have had a very busy end to November, kicking off with a Christmas luncheon with our pastors who are Experienced in Ministry. It was a wonderful time of fellowship and reunion for everyone.
Alan Marr and Lindsay Smith
We also held two big events – SEND and IGNITE Discipling Youth Symposium.
Alan Hirsh, SEND Conference Guest Speaker
SEND was sold out this year with more than a hundred church and missional leaders coming together over two days of training. Our main speaker Alan Hirsch, gave three keynote sessions outlining the five-fold matrix as a powerful tool for church flourishing and missional revitalization. Attendees also joined in with workshops on church planting, faithful neighbourhood presence, and working with emerging, pioneering, and multicultural leadership.
Pastor Tommy Nguyen, IGNITE Guest Speaker
At IGNITE Discipling Youth Symposium, over 90 people, many from LOTE (Languages other than English) came together to explore the themes of discipling youth in the context of cultural diversity and belonging. Our keynote speaker, Pastor Tommy Nguyen, shared his church’s story of wrestling with expectations from first and second Vietnamese generations, but the key for them has been to respond and practice love as demonstrated by the life of Jesus.
What an encouraging week for our BUV family and a great start to the Christmas season as we finish the year Together on Mission!