New Churches

The aim of the BUV’s Mission Catalyst Team is to realign our churches for mission, and develop and communicate a vision for multiplying Christ-centred, Kingdom-oriented communities of faith. There is a great need within our state to become more aware of our neighbourhoods; the place, people and parish where our churches are planted, and for us to embark on effective connection and meaningful encounter. Our intention is to help churches to follow the call of Christ to go out into the world and make disciples, and in doing so increase the Kingdom of God through the planting of new churches.

Where are Churches needed?

Melbourne and Victoria are growing in population every day, so our dream is that new churches will emerge in a variety of shapes and sizes and that their forms and functions will be influenced by biblical values and the needs of the community. We also believe that they can be led by ordinary people who have faith in an extraordinary God and seek first His Kingdom. We need churches to be planted across our State, but we have prioritised certain areas and communities, especially greenfield sites within the Melbourne growth corridors that will soon see large population increases. Our second priority centres around churches that aspire to reproduce in low socio economic areas, in under or lightly-churched areas, and among sub cultures and non English speaking people. Please contact Brett Mitchell at if you are interested in further details.

Birthing New Communities of Faith

The Baptist Union of Victoria’s aspirations for the next five years is to have 100 new communities of faith birthed within our state. These communities of faith are identified as having:

  • Twelve or more people who connect with an identifiable rhythm and regularity
  • At least three people who would self-identify as members of the Baptist Union of Victoria
  • A group that is designed to give people in the community access to the kingdom of God – “there is a danger that they may meet Jesus”
  • A group that has some definable and nameable leadership
  • Intentional discipleship integrating with the word of God

The BUV Mission Catalyst seeks to serve these pioneer church planters and their teams through assessment, training, coaching, prayer and the skills necessary for ongoing neighbourhood immersion. Often a pioneer is supported by a sending church. We believe that churches planting churches is a theologically valid model, resulting in better health and mission for both the sending church and the new community of faith. We aspire to work collaboratively with these individual churches or cluster of churches, in order to provide support and advice..


It is proved extremely helpful for the prospective church planter to undertake a Church Planter Assessment Tool in order to understand their strengths and growth areas. The Mission Catalyst Team now provides this assessment for the pioneer, in order that he/she and the sending church become more aware of formation gaps and to increase effectiveness.


We provide advice about best practice and contextual models for building effective teams to provide healthy foundations and enhance mission.


Seeding funds, primarily in the form of support for training and pioneer stipend subsidies are available for some new communities of faith initiatives. This short term financial assistance is designed to assist the communities of faith becoming self-sustaining. Grants are administered and assessed by the Mission Grants Panel. For details contact the Mission Catalyst Team or download the forms from the Mission Grants page.


In addition to general BUV events, specific training and development opportunities are provided for church planters and their teams. A condition of receiving a Mission Grant is that a pioneer must attend at least two mission workshop events per year, one of which being our annual SEND Conference. Click here for BUV Events Registration.


Compliance in these matters is an important part of being a safe, ethical, and healthy church. Support and resources can be accessed from our Finance & Administration Team


The BUV is a family within the wider family of God and we believe that we are “Better Together”. We are healthier and more effective when we relate meaningfully to other Baptist Pastors and Churches. Pioneer church planters are encouraged to be part of a pastor cluster in their area. For more information, contact one of the Regional Pastors.


The Micro Church Network seeks to develop a relational network of likeminded leaders and communities across the state of Victoria who are pioneering, establishing, leading, or nurturing different types of churches, faith, or missional communities who we call “micro churches”. Learn more about the BUV Micro Church Network.

Mission Resources