12th October 2021
Life together is a gift!
Lyn Hunter commenced on the Staff Team of Syndal Baptist Church on the 4 September 2000 and concluded her 21 years of service on 17 September 2021. Her journey began as a 15-year-old who was under pressure at school to choose a career path before God came and gave her the words that eventually became her personal mission statement:
“I just want to love and serve God and people through the local church!”
Lyn has never seen “a woman in the pulpit, never heard of theological college and never imagined a career apart from wife and mum” and yet, over the years, God has placed Lyn in positions of great service to her church and to the local community including:
- Pastor for young adults (a shared role with her husband, Chris)
- Pastor for BIG Care
- Executive Pastor
- Pastor for Seniors
As part of these roles, Lyn initiated many community events and gatherings (i.e. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Friends), to help connect people with the community and to celebrate milestones (i.e. birthday parties for people 60+).
She beautifully modelled and embodied the SBC tagline, ‘Life together is a gift’.
Lyn was farewelled from her ministry service in an online celebration with many members of the congregation expressing their love, care and gratitude for her. Some of these included:
- Her utmost care for those around her
- How her mobilizing of volunteers and teams had expanded and multiplied ministry and mission opportunities
- How she always had time for individuals and would, like Jesus, stop for the one or connect with those on the margins as she extended an unconditional welcome and generous hospitality
- Her sensitivity to the needs of others
- Her friendship, loyalty and sense of welcome and care
- How she “often went way beyond the call of duty”
Lyn will be greatly missed at Syndal but she and her family has left left a legacy that has been transformational for many.
She retires with “a heart full of gratitude” and she leaves us with the first memory-verse she learnt as a little girl, which can be found in 1 John 4:19, “We love, because God first loved us.”