19th July 2023
Justice and Advocacy Week

What is BUV Justice and Advocacy Week?
BUV Justice and Advocacy Week is an opportunity to focus and reflect on the heart of God for those who experience the challenges, inequalities, and often systemic barriers to fulfilling a flourishing life. God calls his people to care for the orphan, the poor, the stranger, and the dispossessed, and Jesus repeats this call when he prophetically fulfils the Isaiah 61 passage in Luke 4. The Sermon on the Mount also serves to remind us of God’s radical heart to act in ways that address inequality and injustice. Now, more than ever, is a time to join in with the Spirit as one body, to discern again the ways in which we all can participate in the healing of the world.
When is Justice and Advocacy Week?
Focus Week – 4-10 September 2023
If you are not able to participate with us in the week of 4th September, feel free to choose another week that fits with your church calendar. All resources will remain available on the BUV website to access post our focus week.
How can churches get involved?
There are plenty of ways to get involved. Resources are available on each highlighted topic for pastors, small group leaders and individuals .
- FOCUS WEEK – You could choose to join with the BUV in a focus week – either in September, or at another time.
- PLAN A JUSTICE SERIES – Use the information and resources in topic tiles to prepare your service each week.
- DEVOTION AND SMALL GROUP GUIDES – A devotion is available for each topic and a Justice Small Group Guide can be used for the week.
- Encourage your church congregation members to connect to the BUV social media (FB, Inst) to receive the videos and devotions or connect with the J&A website pages