10th February 2021
Tuesday Chats@11

Have you ever wondered how other pastors are facing the challenges that you are facing? What are other pastors finding particularly helpful? What good questions can you be asking in these unique times?
The BUV Pastoral Leadership, Support and Development (PLS&D) team of Regional and Generation Pastors are at the forefront of our interaction with our BUV family of Pastors, and have been fielding a range of questions around the dynamics of how to minister through this pandemic season.
PLS&D get together weekly to discuss and offer ideas on how to deal with situations that are raised, and have invited our BUV pastors to sit in on these discussions, offer their own perspectives and help to share the load. The emphasis of these discussions is on how we can support Pastors and the work that they do for their congregation and community.
Discussion topics already covered have been “How to connect with the on-line congregation,” and “Pastoral Exhaustion”, “Self-Care for Pastors” and “Leading Through a Pandemic”.
Over the next few weeks we will be focusing on looking into 2021.
All BUV pastors are most welcome to join us for Tuesday Chats @11am for 45 minutes, to listen in, be a witness, contribute and offer solutions to other’s queries.
Details: Tuesday Chats @11
11am every Tuesday on Zoom
Click here for Zoom link –
Meeting ID: 996 9016 7304
Passcode: 775052